2022 marks the 25th anniversary of IDEATEC. On this occasion, we decided to change our logo and graphic charter and are very proud to present it to you today.
First, you will notice that the colors change. By focusing on blue and orange, we highlight the markets in which we are mainly active (the “blue and amber” market as we call it in our jargon).
Then, we highlight the term “IDEA” because, for 25 years, IDEATEC has always sought to innovate in its products. This is our DNA and we will continue to offer innovative products that will set standards in the market.
Finally, as in the previous logo, we kept the design of the A and the orange element that was there. 25 years of existence means 25 years of history and it is important to capitalize on this experience.
Thanks to all who took part in our history. We will keep writing it together in the years to come.

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