Product focus : FSP-Touch

The FSP-Touch console is the new touch screen flat console generation : unique format, excellent brightness, ultra wide view angle and new graphic library chart.

From 4 to 8 buttons, FSP-Touch is fully customizable thanks to SpeedFitter software : buttons, backlight color (blue, green, red, yellow or amber), function, scenes, buzzer, etc.

Connected to Ideatec advanced central unit like POLARIS, POLYPM-HD or VIGILINK, you can use up to 12x FSP-Touch or you can combine with other consoles such as standard FSP, UniCTRL and FAST3 consoles as well.

Vertical or horizontal wall mounting in a compact format, the FSP-Touch is the ideal solution for complex vehicles like ambulances as well as special vehicles like police car (available with unmark front face for undercover car too), motorhome, campervan or any kind of converted vehicle.

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